Monday, February 27, 2012

two in less than a year...

Early this morning my father in law passed away. I remember the day that we got the news that he had cancer. It hit us like a ton of bricks and we screamed at God why our family. We had found out not to much before that, that Olivia was going to be born with half a heart.
Our family was crushed and we knew what we had to do. FIGHT. and that is what both Olivia and Chris Sr did.
If you followed us over from or you know our family IRL, or even just as FB friends you know that Olivia passed away not even a year ago on Easter night. She left this world fighting for her life. It has been a painful year and processing her death has been very hard for all of us. Chris's dad now had a mighty strong little angel watching over him as he continued to fight off his cancer.
November this year we got another very heart breaking call that Dad was not doing well and that the cancer was getting worst. We vowed that 2012 was GOING to be a good year.... but little did we know that we would be right back where we started begging to God "please dont take another"
If you saw the amount of loved ones that surrounded dad in his final moments you would cry. It was beautiful to see although such a tragic time.
We are so proud of the fight that BOTH Olivia and Dad put up... and now the pain and the suffering of treatments, needles, medicines and heart ache no longer will they feel. They are in heaven now in the most beautiful place that us humans cannot even comprehend. Their souls and spirit WILL live on in us.

If you would please say a prayer for our family... If you have lost a loved one you know that this pain does not go away you only learn to live with it... Thank you for all the love and support that has been given and continues to come.

May you both rest in peace ...
Fly high with the angels in heaven with our lord.


  1. You guys are always in my prayers. But I am glad little Olivia has someone to protect her up there in heaven. Hope everyone is doing alright. Please let me know if you guys need ANYTHING!!!

  2. Oh Katie....I get it...i'm right there with you...Joshua and then my dad....

    it's not fair...there are no words....

    Just know that I'm loving you from afar...praying for peace and rest for you and your family.

    Love you. <3

  3. So sorry Katie! Will be thinking and praying for your family!! <3<3

  4. To your clan from our clan, we will keep you and yours in our thoughts and prayers. Losing those we love is never easy, but you put it so beautifully. They are not suffering anymore and flying with the angels.

    The Forgie Family
